Friday, 21 September 2012

Another team

On 20th of this month we receive four voluntaries. We are very happy to have them around.The journey was very long and each of these ladies came very tired.By the time we reached Keynjojo everyone went to have some sleep.Some hours of sleep and next day we started our program of visiting kids in New Home School.The kids were very eager to meet all of us. As we had prepared presantation about Poland everyone was happy to hear some new things about our country. 
 Later on we played some games with them, most fun the kids had when we did race(zawody).Kids were screaming, loughing, everyone wanted to win.The other group did some small craft with Ania and Magda B. It took a bit of time till they understood but good enough the teachers were there to help.All in all the day was long but nice.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Playing time

Few weeks ago we receive 3 voluntaries who are with us for whole month. The girls are having many ideas, many thoughts what to do with children. None here is bored, either adults either kids.
We do play with the balls, do other activities like racing. The girls are teaching kids colors, simple English, do some craft like drawing, painting. There is a lot of fun each day.


Distributing clothes

Very often receive parcels from Poland with many clothes, sweets, balloons, pens, pencils. Last time someone sent us bed sheets which we appreciate very much. Many of those people have to share bed sheets with younger sister or brother. Unfortunately they can't afford to buy clothes, bedsheets etc for everybody. They are lacking many things.
Once went to visit one of the supported family, when I saw the mother splashing the water on the boy (bathing him)and using a rag to dry him up, gently asking do you have towel? Her answer was no. People are happy to receive anything, where for many of us to receive bed sheet or towel it's nothing big. These people are feeling so much value here after giving them something small.

Mto- Moyoni,Jinja

Early morning left with 14 people for Father's Heart school in Jinja. We drew for many hours and by the time we reached mostly everyone was tired.
None of us really knew what to expect. For many of those kids it was first time to be in such a place. Beautiful view on the river Nile, away from daily responsibilities, shower in the rooms, nice food served every day, simply Paradise. We spent there 5 full days.
Watching them during this time was delight for mine heart. Some of
the kids didn't experience to be in God's presence. Some of them first time heard about having time with God, giving God his/hers time just to listen.
At the end of the session some of the children shared their own experiences, testimonies. It was so great to hear some of them forgave they own parents, relatives and understood they are not Orphans anymore because our Father in Heaven cares for them. Everyone was so thankful for the chance of being there.
Patric is sharing his testimony

Monday, 23 July 2012

Back in Keynjojo

The way from Kampala was hectic, we drew for many hours. Almost reaching Keynjojo heavy rain started pouring down. It was hard to see in this darkness, the lights of the car broke down so it was really a miracle that we reached. When we are there we hear that our room was place to stay. Finally after begging people to give us something we got tiny little room without a bathroom and without a window. In the room we found only bed and one chair..Day after the power went off and stay like that for some days. The rain came back and flood our little room,all the bags got wet. Someone would say this is Africa. People live in worse condition than we do, shall I complain then I am asking myself? For sure not, but it is not easy,when you have to light the candle during day time to find clothes you want to put on, when you walk in the hall with the basement to have a bath and other people are watching you,even worse you are in the toilet and someone is just coming into ( there are no lockers). I cried asking God why did you put me in this situation??
I got the answer ...because you are precious to me and because I love you, do not be afraid I am with you. (Is.43:4)...let your hope keep you joyful (Rom.12.12)
We are praying for place where we will have enough space for ourselves, where there will be a window inside or even more where we will have a bathroom and kitchen. I believe nothing is impossible with our God and one day you will hear what God did to us my friends. We are greatly asking you to join us in this prayer and ask God for the place for us.
Thank you,may God bless you so much.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Back to Africa

Thank you for your prayers. We are already in Africa, our home. The trip was long but God brought us all the way through. Now visiting family in Kenya before we start moving to Uganda.
Wishing you all blessed week.

Time in Poland


 The flight was smooth without any delay. We reached well only that we were not prepared for the weather. The temperature was a bit different to the one we got used to in Africa. Hoverer God's favor was with us and we got some warm clothes for the time being. After some time the weather also changes and we were able to walk in shorts.

Szklarska Poręba
                                                         The whole visit was arrange with many different things. We were hardly staying in one place. Mostly we moved from one place to the other, from south to north part. I don't remember visiting so many different places during my whole life in Poland. My family was not well off, and was hard to afford all this. But the time came when I could travel from one city to the other. Amazing! Even for Henry who came to Poland for the first time (I believe not the last ). He was even lucky to see snow in the middle of May. 
Many people opened their homes for us, though both we were strangers to all of them. Polish hospitality is reaching the level of Africans I would say. Well done Poland. The tables were full of food, different kind. Almost everywhere we went people served ogorki kiszone :)- our favorite ones. I was surprise to see Henry enjoying almost every dish, meal like he was be born in Poland.
Every single person received us very warm and eager to hear about our work in Uganda.                    
Apart from churches we also visited schools. It was nice experiences talking to kids who have everything while the children in Africa don't have anything. In some places we also prepared posho for kids to try(kind of food which is eaten in Uganda). Some were about to thrown out. I thought - how about people, children here who eat this food every day, day and night, from January till December. They don't have much choice like us in Poland. Our fridges are always full with good food.  How     pro village we are. We must to remember that,thanking God for all the small things He put on our plates.
During this visit we were able also to spend few days with my family, brothers, sister and my dad. God is doing amazing thing restoring our relationship back and bringing to the light. With God all things are possible. It was really good to talk to my brothers and have some short time with dad. They accepted Henry, tried their best to communicate with him though none of them speak english. Sometimes it looked funny. Good enough I was not far to come with help:).

All in all the trip was successful, meeting new people and having some time with old friends. I believe God sent us both to Poland for the reason. The word was spread and now we shall wait for the fruits.
And the seed sown in the good soil stand for those who bear fruit, some as much as hundred, others sixty and others thirty” Matt.13;23

I would love to thank you all for hosting us and taking good care of us. We really enjoy this time with you. We are sorry for not being able to meet with all who invited us but I believe we can leave it this for the next visit.
May God bless you abundantly.

Mirka and Henry Kalume

Monday, 14 May 2012

The dream became true:)

God has answered our prayers. Praise the living God. Tomorrow night, both we are going to Poland.
It is still hard to believe but God made it.I am excited for Henry to meet my family and friends. Thank you all who stood with us in this prayer.God is able. During this visit we hope also to register our marriage in Poland so please continue to pray.

God bless you
Mirka & Henry

The ministry

 Giving clothes and shoes away to those who needed most.
Mirka is sharing the lolipops
the kids enjoy their balloons
Lunch time
Time with the teachers, Bible study

Thursday, 5 April 2012


May the spirit of hope that Easter brings,Help you find contentment in little things,And restore your faith in the Lord above, Who gave His life for the ones He loves.
We wish you a very happy Easter!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Palmed Sunday

Time flies, the days are passing by and you may wonder is that really true? How is that possible in place where time does not exist. However, sometimes I feel like in Europe. I remember time when I was living in Scotland, was always busy. Time was moving on, I even tried to stop but it was very difficult. And the same things I see also here in Africa.
It is not true that time has stop here. It depends of type of life you have. Sometimes I really wish to stop the clock for a moment. Because of that I even didn't notice we are almost in Easter season.

When we reached church I watched kids and adults walking with palms. Just remind me that we are almost approaching Easter. I remember time when as a little girl I was also taking palm to my church. It was something special by that time. I don't really know what was that, but there was something. Even these days we can feel it, there is still something in. People come to church, worship God, remembering time of Christ being crucify.
I was happy to see many people at church which we attended last Sunday. At first when we arrived there was none person there though it was time to start service. Later on people started coming in. Because of small challenge that day everything was post pone a bit. But glory to be to God to overcome all the situation.
People were flowing in as water move in the river. Empty sits were no longer empty. Church was full. Our hearts were happy, God did not disappoint us. He had desire to reach the people in that community and he fulfil this.

I tell you my friends, when we shared the message people were moved. That day we left church very late. After service some people were asking for more explanations, some were thanking us for coming. We got an invitation to come back there and share the word of God again.
It is a joy to see how God is using both of us, and how we are fulfilling his call.
Our desire is to reach as many as we can. People need the strong foundation but mostly in these churches people has stop somewhere and don't grow any more. I believe God put us here in this time for the reason.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


As we started our meetings with students, we didn’t have the seats or chairs to seat on. We usually meet in one of the boy’s house which he rents for himself and his brother. The place is very small, but this does not discourage us of gathering together every Saturday . Because of God’s favour on us, we manage to get  few plastic chairs so at least some of us is able to get a seat. Praise God for that.
However, the group is expanding, every Saturday we see new faces. More people is joining us, and of course  these seat are not enough but that’s not problem. We are sharing joyfully what God had put on our hearts. It is nice to see the students being active, asking the questions. It shows they are really in. Instead of going out with friends they sacrifice Saturday afternoon for Bible teachings.

We pray that God will provide founds for some equipment we could use sometimes when we are meeting the students like: football, net ball, games(scrabble, tabu etc). It would be good, apart of having Bible Study only or teachings with them, to socialize  sometimes also by playing games, watching movies. Please join us in that prayer.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Dear Friends
We ask you to stand with us and pray for God to open the door for both of us and give us a chance to travel to Poland in May this year. I (Mirka) have to go back to Scotland to sort my things out, as before when I was coming to Uganda I didn't know I will stay here for good. Now I have to closed this chapter of Scotland and came back to Africa where God call me to be. I would like my husband, Henry also to travel with me. It would be a good opportunity for both of us to meet my family and work on our marriage certificate in Poland.
So far we have money for one ticket but still praying for provisions for Henry's ticket. Apart from this expenses we will need visa fee for Henry which is 60 Euro and Travel Insurance which is around 100 Euro. Please stand with us in the prayer. “Where two of us gather and agree on something and pray for it, I believe will be done by our Father in Heaven” Matthew 18;19
God bless you 

Women in Africa

Many Women here doesn’t know that they and men  are equal before God.  They misunderstand  the word of submission. They think whatever man says it  must go. They are scared to share they own opinions, because they know the man will not take them seriously. What they do it is to agree with a man even if  He does not  have the rights.
At homes women are the ones to cook, clean, take care of the kids, fetch the water. No wonder, sometimes you may find lady who is heavily walking. And you may wonder what's happened to her but the answer is simple she overworked herself.  Where is the husband then?
What I have seen, man takes the women to be his wife but later when they settle it is hard to say these is love. They live not because they loved one another later on the culture takes over even the real love. The lady is used by the husband.  Guys they don't take their responsibility of being a Father or being a Husband. They are happy they found a “servant”, though the Bible says “the Man should love His wife as Christ loves His church'' Ephesians, 5:23
Christ loved His church so much, He came to serve not to be served. When I look on the families here in Africa it's hard for me to find such a love. These guys are now to be served not to serve their wives. It makes me to feel bad and I feel sorry for those ladies.
Some weeks ago I was chosen to go and share with the women here in one of the villages. To be honest I was wondering what I suppose to tell them. I don't have much experience in my marriage, I am also from different culture. But when I prayed God revealed to me that I shall share about the roles in marriage and in the family. For them it was something new to learn. However I understand It is not easy to break the culture and start  bringing a new things.
To appreciate the time we  spent together, the ladies blessed me by giving some  fruits. Week after when I went back there again, I could found few men there. It made me fell good, and I got a chance to reach husbands too, I could share how to treat the ladies at home.
My prayer is that those women will get courage to tell their husbands what they think, what they like or not like. “Not only, deceive themselves  by listening but put those things in  practice and apply in their homes” James 1;22.May God bless them and give them understanding. The time for the slavery it's over.

Sharing the earnings

Sharing the message

Giving clothes away

African dance-fun

Monday, 5 March 2012

Work in Uganda

You may think God is to far to hear you? But I tell you my friends, God is here, He hears and He knows very well what you need.
Couple of weeks ago, we were asking you to stand with us in prayer . We were struggling with private means of transport. I remember how hard it was to move on and out by public, people were squeezed with chicken and it was even hard to breath.

God heard us and you calling upon Him, He could not leave us without any respond. Praise the Living God!
“And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, He supplied all our needs” Phlp.4;19
God knew how important and helpful it will be to have a private means of transport, that's why He gave us a Rav4 car. Rav4 belongs to the Organisation which we work with but we are able to drive and use when it is necessary. God is good God, who takes care of His flock. Thank you those who stand with us in that prayer. Our prayer is that God will also meet your needs.

The car is really helpful, because we move a lot, visiting children at schools, visiting them at homes, going for meetings and attending Bible Studies. So far we have 3 groups of people who attend our teachings. Every Monday we share what we learnt from YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in one of the schools. We invited specially the teachers and Youth to study with us.
Every Tuesday we meet with the teachers in other school Kaihura (8km from where we stay) and 3 times a month we meet youth, students from the universities, collages in Fort Portal (around 35km from our place).It can be some how tiring but we know why we are doing that. God has called us to go and bear fruits, people need to grow spiritually, some of them don't know the basic, don't know the Truth, we were called to reach these people. Sometimes we are tired but thanks be to Gods grace and strength.
Last Tuesday we were with the teachers sitting on little benches teaching them. The school we go every Tuesday, its a primary school. On Saturday we went to meet Youth, we didn't have chairs or anything comfortable. We were sitting on the floor and share the word of God, discusses how important is to spend time with God.
Mirka is sharing with the Youth, Students in Fort Portal
Henry is sharing with the teachers in Kaihura

“We must be strong, and not to be discouraged. The work that we do will be rewarded” 2Chr.15;7
We trust that God sees every single thing we do, we don't do that to please any human being, we do this because we feel like God asked us to do this. We are happy every time when we go and share the word of God, it makes both the teachers and students to focus on the Lord.

We thank you so much for your support and your prayers. 
God bless you my friend.

Friday, 2 March 2012


The day when we had trained the teachers from Kaihura and Keynjojo it was hot sunny day. People were wearing short slews and were still sweating. Only Mirka had to put a warm jumper to keep herself warm. The body was in pain and was very week. Instead of staying at home , she move out hoping she will get better as the day goes on. But it didn't,instead she was weaker and weaker, however trying her best to do translation for the teachers. It was hard, loosing concentration and remember all when you are in pain etc. Good enough Peter was there to persuade her to go and see the doctor.
The symptoms were saying she was having malaria. And yes, Doctor confirmed that. She was sick. After getting two injunctions and medicine, she was improving quickly. Next day straight after her treatment she went to Kampala to take one the volunteer to the airport. It was hard to stop her from doing things. God said He would heal her and that what He was doing. God is good God. She got better and now she is doing well. God never fail.
Thank you for all your prayers.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Team's work

The group was a mixture of different kind of people- older, youngest with different kind of personalities. But in all it was a good team, people were co-operative and that was most important thing. We worked usually in a small groups. The program was busy and it was hard to find some time for rest. From early morning till evening we were in a ministry.
In the team three people did not speak English so one of my rules was translating to those who needed it.
Every Sunday we were in different churches but during the week we were visiting  different schools and children‘s homes.
The bible says:
“Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as them” Mark 10;14
Very often the kids are forgotten, people concentrate on different things but not on the child. What the child can do? - we do wonder. But we are forgetting that those kids they will not be kids forever. In these  children is a future.  Do not ignore them. They need your attention and your love.

We really enjoyed to spend most of the time with the kids. We all had fan when we played with them. The favourite game was a race between different groups of kids.
Children also liked drawings, I noticed when we had art that some of the kids are very talented. And if they would be taken care of  some of them might become a great Artist in the future.
One of the school in Poland sent the money for those kids

Ewa is drawing with the children

with Kristina and Benjamin 

I want to thank you whole team who came on February- you guys did a great job here. No matter how long you were for, I am sure those whom you visited will be remembering the day for such a long. Thank you for your effort and contribution. 
God bless you all

The Team arrives 2end of February

It has been a long day, some how tiring and hectic.

People were delaying, some of them  miss the flights, mostly because of the  bad weather in Poland. Some people came day after, this way we were behind with one day.
With those who came on the 2end of February we stop over in Father’s House to rest a bit and to wait for the remaining team to come and join us. The people were tired, they spent over 35 h in the journey.

Next day we went to the airport to pick the rest, when we had all the people we drew to west Uganda. It was also some how tiring, again 6 hours drive till we reached the place. Very late night we arrived in Keynjojo. Pastor David and his wife were already waiting for us with a warm meal. After eating everyone went to sleep.
Hopefully Tomorrow we will be a bit fresh and steady.
The team

Monday, 30 January 2012

Father's House

Thank you for all your prayers, we have reached Uganda safe. However it was a long journey for us but because of God's favour we made it. Unfortunately we failed to get my dependant pass in Kenya, by the time we were leaving it was not ready yet. We are still waiting but trusting God that all will work out very soon.

Now we are visiting our family in Father's House. The kids are very happy to have us around.  They keep asking how long we will be around, they wish we could stay much longer. Unfortunately we are here just for 3 days but it is always a pleasure to be there and  hang around.

On Thursday morning me and Henry are moving to west Uganda where we will be ministering over there for some time.
Thank you for your prayers and your support.
May God bless you abundantly.

I will not leave you, will not abandon you...

There are times in our lives where we go through very difficult situations and only thing we got at that time it's God who is always on our side.
He says in Hebrew 13;6
I will not leave you, I will never abandon you...
Do not be afraid, I will help you”

But how easy is to say: God is with me, He will take care of the things, however it's much harder to believe in our hearts . What we do it's worrying about so many staff. I have learnt that this will not help us with anything, we are worrying for nothing.
Not long ago, I was scared we did not have enough money for food. All what we got was little, so we had to plan really well our budget. From this money we still were buying tickets to come to Uganda, paying my visa etc.
One morning God gave me the scripture from Matthew 6;25-33
Do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes? Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in bams; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth much more than birds?(...)Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires, and He will provide all these other things.”

The same day Henry came back home and shared with me the story:
When He was running on the beach, one of the tourist came over to him and placed 10£ in to his hands. He did not say much apart “go and buy food”. Amazing! God has used this very man to open my eyes that He really really cares. We do not know who was this man, why He chosen Henry however God knows all that.
I tell you my friend God knows your struggles and He does care about you as much He does about me. When He says He will take care of it, He will. I was overwhelmed by this what had happened to us. God showed us that He is on our side and no matter what we go through He is still there. Let's this worries to go away and let God do His work.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

We trust God that you had nice, joyful time during last Christmas season.
Joy and peace to you this new year! May God convert all your conflicts to comforts, your pains to gains, your minimums to maximums, your scars to stars, your losses to profits, your tears to smiles, your sorrows to pleasures, your bad wishers to well wishers, your debts to credits, and all your dreams to realities. Glad things and wonderful year.


Polish Educational Association (PEA) is a NGO in Poland. The vision and mission is helping orphans and Christian education. This is the organization which we will be voluntarily working with. As PEA we are in 21 days of prayer and fasting, you are free to join us in this time of prayer. We are asking God to revel to us the place in East Africa where to build the Christian School. Thank you for standing with us, God bless you.

Kyenjonjo, Uganda

Just after these unforgettable moments, we were on our journey to western part of Uganda. It was like 30 hours journey. Mirka's legs were swollen for some few days, but that did not stop her from doing what had made her to go there.

During those 2weeks of staying in Uganda, we helped preparing Christmas parties for the kids. Lot's of Christmas gifts and food were given to over 500 children. Thanks to all who sent us funds to buy sodas and chickens for those kids. The kids were happy and very grateful, praying that God will bless the hands that provided.

The kids enjoy soda
giving clothes away
Christmas meal

giving the gifts for the best students
Travelling in Africa
The children stay in different homes/areas and we were to travel to these places. Some places are deep in the village, where there is no proper road network. We had to use public means of transport like 14seats minibuses (taxi, matatu) and motorcycle (boda boda). 
The shocking part is that the 14seats minibuses are over loaded to 20 or even more people. Sometimes people carry also the chickens in this buses. It looks funny and kind of interesting for those who come for a short terms missions, voluntary works. They get to know Africans style of travel. However it is very hectic and annoying to do it for a long period of time. We didn't have a choice, as we don't have a private means. It was no easy specially for Mirka. She could be so discourage by the way people travel in that part of Uganda. Please pray for us that God will give us the car to help us to reach to those children's homes.

Also during our time there we met the leaders we are going to work with soon. They were happy to receive us and we were pleased with their hospitality.