Tuesday 27 March 2012

Women in Africa

Many Women here doesn’t know that they and men  are equal before God.  They misunderstand  the word of submission. They think whatever man says it  must go. They are scared to share they own opinions, because they know the man will not take them seriously. What they do it is to agree with a man even if  He does not  have the rights.
At homes women are the ones to cook, clean, take care of the kids, fetch the water. No wonder, sometimes you may find lady who is heavily walking. And you may wonder what's happened to her but the answer is simple she overworked herself.  Where is the husband then?
What I have seen, man takes the women to be his wife but later when they settle it is hard to say these is love. They live not because they loved one another later on the culture takes over even the real love. The lady is used by the husband.  Guys they don't take their responsibility of being a Father or being a Husband. They are happy they found a “servant”, though the Bible says “the Man should love His wife as Christ loves His church'' Ephesians, 5:23
Christ loved His church so much, He came to serve not to be served. When I look on the families here in Africa it's hard for me to find such a love. These guys are now to be served not to serve their wives. It makes me to feel bad and I feel sorry for those ladies.
Some weeks ago I was chosen to go and share with the women here in one of the villages. To be honest I was wondering what I suppose to tell them. I don't have much experience in my marriage, I am also from different culture. But when I prayed God revealed to me that I shall share about the roles in marriage and in the family. For them it was something new to learn. However I understand It is not easy to break the culture and start  bringing a new things.
To appreciate the time we  spent together, the ladies blessed me by giving some  fruits. Week after when I went back there again, I could found few men there. It made me fell good, and I got a chance to reach husbands too, I could share how to treat the ladies at home.
My prayer is that those women will get courage to tell their husbands what they think, what they like or not like. “Not only, deceive themselves  by listening but put those things in  practice and apply in their homes” James 1;22.May God bless them and give them understanding. The time for the slavery it's over.

Sharing the earnings

Sharing the message

Giving clothes away

African dance-fun

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