Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ '' Ephesians 1;2
through our days are filled with joy and happiness.
It took some good time since I last communicated to you, some of you started to wonder probably what has been happening. Please receive our apology. It is quite challenge to take care of little baby and at the same time running project on the site, do administration work etc. But we thank God for all what has been going on, we thank God for our daughters who are doing well, who are very active every day and who keep us busy.

I don't know if you remember from last letter, we were to receive visitors from Poland? The team of 9 people arrived in August well and sound. All of them spent with us 3 good weeks running VBS with kids, teaching them new skills and sharing the gospel. Though it was a holiday from school, many kids turned up hungry and thirsty to hear the good news and learn new things. Unfortunately for our visitors all the bags arrived week later. It was real a challenge for us to do the work, no materials, no clothes and other things which were supposed to help but because of Gods grace we did it, none of the visitors complained even once, there was no day we did not run our program.
Apart from that we also had a meeting with parents, where we shared the gospel to them - I am telling you many hearts been touched and we could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit wonder around us.
During this time we enlarged also our mini playground, Brother Marek and Pastor Andrew after busy days in classes sacrificed their afternoons to do this job. What a joy it was when everything was ready.
We also completed our fence on one side and now finishing putting fence on the other side.
We did not have an office before, for time being we were using kitchen store as a temporary room for our administration department. But God's grace is so sufficient, He provided funds and we put up an office for our headteacher. We are so proud of how God is taking care of us.
This is not all yet...
We have waited over 4 years for the borehole, dear ones we already done drilling and good news is that the water started to appear earlier not like report showed us. Instead of drilling 250m we finished drilling on 200meters, this caused the cost of drilling to lower down a bit and now we are putting up a tower where the tank will be places. We still need funds for buying and installing the pump and making the borehole work. Please join us in prayers in this particular area. We believe with God who is on our side we will make it.

For the first time in our history we had an official ending ceremony and graduation for our preschool pupils. It was such a blessed day,all graduated kids got a diploma, we also rewarded our best students and recognized some parents who has been a big pillar (help) in our school, without their commitment and work it would be difficult for us.
Right now the kids are enjoying their holiday at home, some traveled to visit relatives in town, some are still around waiting for next year to go back to school.
For now we do have only 4 primary classes,but from January we need another class. There is around 5 weeks left and we still pray for a miracle of provision. We need 7500$ for the class. I know we cant do anything unless God says yes and pour the rain of blessing. Please join us in prayers my loved ones ''….if God is for us who can be against''- Rom.8;31
Wining up this short letter i want to thank you each and everyone for standing with us, none of us is greater than other. Glory goes to God alone,we can be proud of ourselves only that we allowed God to used us for his purpose and though many challenges come up our way we stick to the word of God and push forward.
Thank you once again for your support and time.
Be blessed
Mirka and Henry Kalume
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