How are you our beloved friend? We do hope all is well with you.
Thanks for your prayers ,we are fine apart from Mirka's rashes. As you pray, please remember her in your prayers. It is very annoying, we are not sure what caused the rashes. She has been like that for about 2 weeks but we trust God that he will take control of it.

As we were writing before, we were expecting polish missionary in September. Wiola arrived safety and all in all we had a great time together. We managed to visit preschool in the village. It was a nice sup rice for children to see another muzungu (white person) around/ We shared the story of Jesus being a great Shepard who cares about his sheep. Later on we drew the picture. It was fun to see some of the pictures. I am telling you some of these kids are talented :)

Generally kids in the village do not have much opportunity of drawing or painting. It is not because they do not like to do it, simply they do not have colors, papers, pencils etc. They lack the basic things, so when we receive such materials in the parcels we are all happy.

We wish to keep Wiola with us for more than a week but everything has his beginning and the end. We are hoping that she will be back in Mombasa soon. For now we pray for God to protect her as she is ministering in Mozambique.
Also we would like to give special thanks to Agnieszka from Krakow and her friends who supported us
with many clothes.
The kids were very delight to receive gifts from you
guys. We bless you and we pray that God will be the One who will pay
reward to you.
We love you all.
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