Monday 30 June 2014


Greeting all the way from Mombasa Kenya. We trust that our Lord Jesus Christ watched over you and you are doing well.We would like to thank you for your continued prayers and all support you gave us. May God bless you abundantly.

In brief God has been doing great in our mildest. It was a busy month visiting schools and churches, as we told you in the last update. We thank God for the gifts we received from some of you. As we were visiting these schools and churches we were also sharing those gifts. People were very happy and smiling because they received many things. Each person who got something had reason to be thankful to God for His care and love. For example a mum of 3 children was grateful for the blankets the kids brought home because they had none to use. It is rainy season now and the nights are cold so the kids will be warm.

Last time we shared with you that there is a need of clean water for people and school. We have taken a step of faith to do a research on how to drill water and open a school. All these projects need process, for water to be drilled from the ground, one need a geologist report and then you can go a head and drill. Geologist is asking for 600US$ to give the report, this fee includes; Transport, Hydro geological survey, Groundwater assessment, Water-depth and rock morphology and Final official hydro geological report. When that stage is done then drilling technicians will let us know how much will be the drilling.

For the school we need to come up with the site plan and building plans. We dont know the cost for all this because we are suppose to bring the architect to the site. A part from that buildings there will be a registration of the school. So its becoming more expenses and busy moving from one office to the other. Hope next update we will give the costs.

As family we have been having some good time and some hard. Hannah has just started walking, its joyful to see her progress day by day. She chases goats in the bushes and running after chicken:). Mirka had a bit of tough times this last month, she had some etchings which we could not tell what was the actually cause and at the moment she has a wound on her right  foot which according to the physician he say its skin allergy. She also has some pain on eyelid, we cant tell what exactly is the problem. For Henry had some tooth problem. It was sore for some days. Thank to God the pain stop.

Please keep us on your prayers for journey mercies, favor, protection, good health and financial breakthrough. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen.

Whoever has two shirts must give to the man who has none and whoever has food must share it” Luke 3;11

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