There are times in our
lives where we go through very difficult situations and only thing we
got at that time it's God who is always on our side.
He says in Hebrew
will not leave you, I will never abandon you...
Do not be afraid, I will help you”
But how easy is to say:
God is with me, He will take care of the
things, however it's much harder to believe in our hearts
. What we do it's worrying about so many staff. I have learnt that
this will not help us with anything, we are worrying for nothing.
Not long ago, I was
scared we did not have enough money for food. All what we got was
little, so we had to plan really well our budget. From this money we
still were buying tickets to come to Uganda, paying my visa etc.
One morning God gave me
the scripture from Matthew 6;25-33
not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay
alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth
more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes? Look at
the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in
bams; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth
much more than birds?(...)Your Father in heaven knows that you need
all these things. Instead, be concerned above everything else with
the Kingdom of God and with what he requires, and He will provide all
these other things.”
same day Henry came back home and shared with me the story:
He was running on the beach, one of the tourist came over to him and
placed 10£
in to his hands. He did not say much apart “go and buy food”.
Amazing! God has used this very man to open my eyes that He really
really cares. We do not know who was this man, why He chosen Henry
however God knows all that.
tell you my friend God knows your struggles and He does care about
you as much He does about me. When He says He will take care of it,
He will. I was overwhelmed by this what had happened to us. God
showed us that He is on our side and no matter what we go through He
is still there. Let's this worries to go away and let God do His