Right now Lois has finished 2 months, grown so fast (I believe all babies do so). For now I am mostly home nursing my little angel, not much movement for me as I would like.
Well there are different seasons in our life, I do believe.
Hannah is very happy for the fact of being a big sister, she loves to help around with the baby. Though she is just 5 years old, she thinks she can do all things by herself including bathing her sister.

We had some remaining materials after completing the kitchen so we used them in order to put the walls for the nursery (as you must know, the youngest kids have been learning still under the shelter). We trust and believe God for the remaining materials.
In month of August we are expecting team of 8 people. They are coming all the way from Poland and going to spend time with the kids, teach them and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We humbly ask you to lift them up in your prayers as they are preparing themselves for this mission. May great God provide whatever they still missing. We want to bless them as they are sacrificing their time and finances to follow the voice of God.
All in all we give God glory for who He is, let us all be still and thankful not only for the big but also the little things we receive. I would say "Rejoice with the Lord, once again rejoice" Phlp 4: 4
much love
M.H.H.L Kalume