Our dear friends,
Taking this opportunity, we wish you all the best in this new year, may God's grace goes before you, no matter how hard life can be let us all trust the Lord, for in Him we find joy, hope and all we need.
We thank God for each one of you, without your help and without your prayers Light of the World would not be where it is now. You are playing the big part in this ministry. Once again, thank you so much.
Our family is doing well, glory to God for his protection. The baby is growing bigger and bigger every day. Not much left till our little princess poops into this world. Please pray with us for safe delivery and God's provision, as I wrote lately we do not have insurance cover.

During Christmas holiday, we were able to organize little party for children, there was plenty of food, - rice and meat (often kids eat that kind of food during special occasions). Some of the parents contributed into that event by helping with cooking. There were also some small gifts for all of the participants.
Not long ago, out of 100 children, less than 15 kids had sponsors who has been supported them thru out. I am so happy to share with you, that today around 70 kids has supporters. Thanks to all of you who put their effort into that and share with these little ones. Because of your help and support, the kids eat meals at school. This really helps them to concentrate more, before they were sent homes for lunch, and some of them could come back still hungry as there was nothing to bite or eat.

Recently we employed new trained teacher, this also has increased the cost of the expenses for school. There were many changes in new system, the government changed the curriculum, so we are no longer going with the old program. New books are still needed, but for now still waiting for the books to be brought on the market.

The rains we had lately, destroyed the road to the village. Right now, we struggle to reach the kids.
Used to we could use the motorbike (boda boda, taxi) but it is has been difficult, riding bike in the hit or rain . Right now it is impossible for me, Mirka to use such transport. We are praying and hoping for 4WD car, which will help to reach those an-reach.
As you read all, we pray you don't get discourage by the needs, still plenty to do, but let us all "trust God with all our hearts, not leaning on our own understanding".
with much love