Tuesday, 18 September 2018

September 2018

Dear friends and fellow co workers in Christ

We come before you today with a thankful heart. Again God has been good to us.
Last time we wrote  about camp preparations for the kids with our visitors from Poland, and I want to testify that we all had a wonderful time. Team of 8 people who came sacrificing their time and money in order to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in our small school and left Kenya some weeks ago. All of them went home with a new experience they gained here in Kwademu. I am sure if we were to ask them, everyone would have something unique to say.

We would like  to say also  thank you to those who prayed for us, for the team and all the work which was going on here. Big thanks to the whole team, well done.
Every single person put some impact on the kids, none of them complain even once though the circumstances sometimes were not the best. The attitude they all had I would say it is the same attitude Christ had: humility, servant hood, obedience, patience, love... All what the bible teaches us today especially in Philippians 2: 5-11.

Kids loved it, we did not expected such a turn out. The camp took place during holiday but still most of the kids came back to school eager to learn and hear the gospel.

There was so much going on, kids did so much craft too, played games and had fun . Some parents and teachers came to help translating, cleaning after lessons without their help it would be difficult, but                                             God  took care of every single part.

If you remember well, we also wrote about nursery which we started to build. Now I am happy to say we are done most of it, remain plastering outside, small finishing and paintings in and out.

When I look back I still remember  how we began this ministry, trusting and hoping God for bigger things. Nothing much we had, but His word was our shield and accelerator to keep going.   I have to say without  God's  grace we would not reach where we are today.

Many times we look for excuses saying we can't do this, we are to weak, we don't have resources, we don't know the way, we are afraid of taking the step of faith... simply just to escape from the task BUT I say„ this little we say is much when God is in it”. We must not believe that our resources are too little to serve God for He delights in taking such humble person and uses him/her for His glory. God is ready to use ordinary things to create extraordinary things. Question is - are we ready? 

God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong” 1 Corinthian 1;27

And because He  did things which were almost impossible for human mind, here we are  saying today to you

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth
Worship the Lord with gladness,
Come before Him, singing with joy
Acknowledge that the Lord is God...
...Enter his gates with thanksgiving
go into his court with praise
Give thanks to Him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good”   Psalm 100

Mirka and Henry Kalume

Thursday, 21 June 2018


Our beloved friends

Once again, sorry for a long time not communicating with you. As you know we were expecting  baby sometimes in April, and happy to say that  baby Lois came into this World 2 days after due day. All went  very well and sound  though  in the beginning the nurses thought it is going to be a long labor but God who  has been always above all did amazing thing - shown  up and before I realized baby girl was born.
Right now Lois has finished 2 months, grown so fast (I believe all babies do so). For now I am mostly home nursing my little angel, not much movement for me as I would like.
Well there are different seasons in our life, I do believe.
 Hannah is very happy for the fact of being a big sister,  she loves to help around with the baby. Though she is just 5 years old, she thinks she can do all things by herself including bathing her sister.

As I wrote not much movement for me at the moment, but it does not mean school has stop running. Things are in place and kids are still learning, praise the living God.

We had some remaining materials after completing the kitchen so we used them in order to put  the walls for the nursery (as you must know, the youngest kids have been learning still under the shelter). We trust and believe God for the remaining  materials.

In month of August we are expecting  team of 8 people. They are coming all the way from Poland and going to spend time with the kids, teach them and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We humbly ask you to lift them up in your prayers as they are preparing themselves for this mission. May great God provide whatever they  still  missing. We want to bless them as they are sacrificing their time and finances to follow the voice of God.

All in all we give God glory for who He is, let us all be still and thankful not only for the big but also the little things we receive. I would say "Rejoice with the Lord, once again rejoice" Phlp 4: 4

much love
M.H.H.L Kalume

Thursday, 12 April 2018

April 2018

Dear friends

Taking this opportunity we would like to say big thanks to you for standing with us in prayer and financial support. All in all if God was not the One who brought us together we ourselves would try by our own strengthen and nothing much WE would achieve. Thank you so much for your constant obedience to God who is enabling us to do great work
We want you to know that we are so grateful for each one of you. And „w
e continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” – 
Colossians 1:9-13

Please forgive us for taking long to communicate, it has been very difficult for me to stick and focus on putting few words together.
Now I am in my last stage of pregnancy, the baby is due any time from now. Kindly remember me in prayers as you pray for safe delivery.

Briefly would like to update you on our progress. As we wrote in the beginning 
of the year to pray for kitchen ( you may remember were still cooking under the tree) God was so faithful and provided all what was needed. Now we can boldly announce that we managed to complete the building, remain to put few shelves inside the store (waiting for our carpenter to come and finish the work).

The kids in grade 1 up till grade 3 received also new books. It is a big deal here for child to have his/hers books. Our God is full of surprises, many things still needed to be done but believing God in his own timing.

Now as we are approaching rainy season, please pray also for us to be able to reach the kids during that particular season. The roads are getting worsen each day, sometimes not possible to move especially on the rough roads like the one to Kwademu.

Pray also for Henry who will have to do most of the work himself now, if possible any volunteer who would like to come for some period of time or even offer some time to do bit of work from the place he/she is (few things on the computer).

We thank you once again.

With much love

Thursday, 18 January 2018

New Year update

" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight." - Prov. 3;5-6

Our dear friends, 
Taking this opportunity, we wish you all the best in this new year, may God's grace goes before you, no matter how hard life can be let us all trust the Lord, for in Him we find joy, hope and all we need.
We thank God for each one of you, without your help and  without your prayers Light of the World would not be where it is now. You are playing the big part in this ministry. Once again, thank you so much.

Our family is doing well, glory to God for his protection. The baby is growing bigger and bigger every day.  Not much left till our little princess poops into this world. Please pray with us for safe delivery and God's provision, as I wrote lately we do not have insurance cover.

Summarizing last year, God was so grateful to us.  We completed to build 4 classes for the kids,  toilets, built 2 rooms and bathroom for our voluntaries. We never expected such blessing at once, but what is impossible for humans, it is possible for our Creator. I, Mirka, have learnt  not to limit our God.

During Christmas holiday, we were able to organize little party for children, there was plenty of food,  - rice and meat (often kids eat that kind of food during special occasions). Some of the parents contributed into that event by helping with cooking. There were also some small gifts for all of the participants.

Not long ago, out of 100 children, less than 15 kids had sponsors who has been supported them thru out. I am so happy to share with you, that today around 70 kids has supporters. Thanks to all of you who put their effort into that and share with these little ones.  Because of  your help and support, the kids eat meals at school. This really helps them to concentrate more, before they were sent homes for lunch, and some of them could come back still hungry as there was nothing to bite or eat.

At the moment we are cooking meals outside under the tree, but it will be difficult soon when the rains start coming in April, that' s why we have started to build  small kitchen. So far we managed to put up foundation and now in the process of building the walls. We still lack funds to complete this project. Anyone who would like to donate toward this particular project, you are very welcome- do it as usual with the note kitchen.

Recently we employed new trained teacher, this also has increased the cost  of the expenses for  school. There were many changes in new system, the government changed the curriculum, so we are no longer going with the old  program. New books are still needed, but for now still waiting for the books to be brought on the market.

The rains we had lately, destroyed the road to the village.  Right now,  we struggle to reach the kids.

Used to we could use the motorbike (boda boda, taxi) but it is has been difficult, riding bike in the hit or rain .  Right now it is impossible for me, Mirka to use such transport. We are praying and hoping for  4WD car, which will help to reach those an-reach.

As you read all, we pray you don't get discourage by the needs, still plenty to do, but let us all "trust God with all our hearts, not leaning on our own understanding".

with much love
