Friends, sorry for taking
long to write. I am not going to look for excuses but we have been
really busy. Many things took place since last time I wrote to you.
Every time I tried to put words together I was failing, leaving empty
page, mostly because of tiredness.
Running up and down I just
realized time in Africa can also move fast.
I will try to be brief and
speak most important things today.
In the beginning I would
love to thank you all for standing with us in prayer and any other
support. God did not leave us and we believe He will not leave.
Whatever he promised he will fulfill in his own time. Just remember
to pray for strength and more grace for our little family.
Going back to the
ministry/project we appreciate your financial support. Things were
tough, not easy. There were times of discouragement and giving up.
What kept us going it was obedience and faith in God's promise.
“ Do not lose your
courage, then, because it brings with it a great reward. You need to
be patient, in order to do the will of God and receive what he
promises” Hebrew 10;35

Before end of last year
God provided in a miraculous way finances to build the class. Honestly
I never had such expectations to do that so fast specially in the country where things move very slow. Believe or not but this is not
the end. We completed the whole class (older kids moved there
already) but also started to build another class.
God is full of
surprises if only we let Him do his work. There is still a lot of
needs, we count on you our friends.
Our only source of income
is you. Will you allow God to work through you?
Our desire is to feed the
children daily but for now we lack funds to provide food for almost
100 kids. Place is very dry, people struggle with food and water. The
swamps dried completely, animals are dying because of no water,
people suffer because no water.
Imagine it is you in the middle of
desert and you find hard to get a glass of water? Very dramatic
situation. We are hoping one day we will be able to drill the
So far, we want to
acknowledge and appreciate the time, energy and hope Grazyna
Sroczynska put into project of drilling the borehole. May God pay
you back for moving up and motivating the whole town to contribute
the little they can. Bless you.
Apart from the classes ,we
also managed to completed one of the store building and now in a
process of building another room which will be use to host our
visitors/voluntaries. We hope you can help us to completed this room
as well.
If you wish to do so, you
can donate any amount using pay-pal on our blog, you can use account in
Uk, mbank account in Poland or you can send direct to foundation
account in Kenya.
for more info send us email:
"We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try"- Roger Ebert.
Be firm, together we can move the mountains.
M.H.H Kalume