Dear ones
We are sorry for taking long on
updating what has been happening here in Kenya. It has been so many
things going on in the last 3 months.
As some of you know we went through
election time, first in August and second time not long ago. During
that time all Kenyan's prayed for peace, and we request to continue
to pray for whole Kenya as the situation is not yet clear though the
results have been announced. Some people died during demonstrations,
half of the population is still not happy with the results, opposition
haven't accepted the outcome. We pray for unity and wisdom for all
the leaders of Kenya.
Lately I also wrote about Henry's back,
he managed to do the scan and went through physiotherapy,
he is still not yet healed completely
but doing better than before, glory to God for that.
I have been traveling to Poland alone
in month of September, it was a short visit though but very happy God
opened the door for me to go. I met new amazing people and I was able
to see my family too. Thankful for all that.
Hannah is doing well, she will be
breaking for holiday in 3 weeks time. During this year she have learn
a lot and now ready to move to the next class after new year.
The good news is that our little family
is going to be bigger, we are expecting new member in April 2018. The
first of the months were difficult for me, now I am better but can't
do much as get tired so easily in this hot weather. Please pray for
strength and healthy delivery, also God to provide for all that. To
deliver in Kenya is costly (we do not have insurance cover), also to
travel to Poland costs a lot. We pray God gives us wisdom and
guidance what to do.

(If you are willing to be part of this
project and you wish to support a child you are free to ask for more
details. )
Soon the kids will be braking for
holiday as they are closing the academic year. We are planing to
prepare Christmas meal for all children (pillao- rice with meal)
during that time and if possible some gifts. If anyone would
like to contribute for the presents you are most welcome.
„Know that the happiness we feel when
we bring joy to others is the greatest happiness in the world” -
Mokichi Okada

„There is a time for everything, and
a season for every activity under the heavens” . - Ecclesiastes 3;1
In all what we do, we appreciate all
your support, without you we would not be able to reach so far. May
God constantly bless you.
Mirka and Henry Kalume