Chrispina and Christopher are twins. They are 4 years old . They live with mum and grand mother. Mother works as a teacher in local school, They used to stay together with the father till the mother run away taking her babies back home to grand mother. Chrispina's and Christopher's father was mistreating the wife(mum)and neglecting the children. drinking a lot. Chrispin like to play the ball, Chrispina is more quiet but she enjoys skipping rope. They live in a mad house, sleeping on the ground, During rainy season it is very cold and wet inside. Please help them by supporting them,so they will be able to have warm meal each day. Cost of 1 child for a month - 25$. Not a big deal for many of us but it will really bring impact in these little ones lives. If you would like to support them please write to us:
Chrispina |
Chrispina |
Chrispin |