Saturday, 24 January 2015

New Year

Dear friends

Happy New Year to you all, we hope you enjoyed your festival season. Also us we had a good time. Taking this opportunity we would love to thank those of you who been praying for us and took time to send some Christmas gifts for children. Though it happened a bit later, was already after Christmas but it is better late than never.

We managed to prepare Christmas 
 meal for little ones and their parents, all children were happy that day.
The amount of food was so much that even parents carried to their homes. Nobody remained hungry at that very day. We wish we would be able to prepare meal for the kids every day but our budget is far away from what we need. However much we trust God for his love endures forever.

We are already at the end of the first month in this new year. Time is passing by so fast, by the time we all realize we will be in December 2015. Our prayer is that this year will be much fruitful to you no matter of which side of the world you are. We all are going to face new challenges and go through new experience, we pray for God's grace upon all of us to reach end of this year successfully watching our plans to come true.

The children are back to schools, though the academic year started a bit late
due to teachers strike. Taking a step of faith we started the school with few tables and benches. Our main need for now is building where the kids can study from. At the moment we are running the preeunit. Kids are coming every day. However Our space is limited because right now all the benches are filled
by the children.
Briefly to remind you, the village is located around 60 km from Mombasa, it is deep in the bush, far away from civilization. There is no clean water, no power, people live in the mad houses. Now we are in the dry season, so it is hard to get rainy water (during the rain people take their containers out for the water to fill in). That's why too we would love to drill the borehole. Lately we spent few days in the village, using the water from the swamp, After wards Mirka and Hannah got sick. Thanks to God for they are well now.

In that village there is one government school which gives almost free education (say almost because kids still have to pay for books, examines, etc).One class has up to 100 kids or more and only one teacher for class. It is hard to manage such number of children. Apart from that there were few small private schools where kids were studying either from under the tree in the open or in house of one of the teachers. Someone can say that these kids are used such life, they do not know other ways. It is true but is the blind man who was born blind not used to his situation? At the same time as much as he needs healing these kids they need change, they need light in their lives.
We would love to start building having four classes, room for teachers and toilets together with the borehole but at the moment we do not have any single coin for buying buildings materials, paying the labor, getting drilling done and others. Please as much as we need your prayers we need your financial support. Share with your friends, families and let us join together make impossible to be possible.

We also trust God for opening the door for us to travel to Poland. It took almost 3 years since we were there. Please also remember us in this area.
We know it is not easy, many people are asking for money today but we do pray God gives you wisdom and knowledge how to respond. Apostle Poul said ...”by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive”- Act 20;35. Unfortunately we are not able to pay you back but God will we can assure you. Please be open to Holy Spirit, let Him guide you in your decision. If you need more information from us

Have great year
Mirka and Henry Kalume