Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Christmas holiday

Christmas is at the corner and we are sure there is a lot to be done before that time. We would love to take the opportunity of wishing you a Merry Christmas. During this season of giving, let us take time to slow down and enjoy the simple things. May this wonderful time of the year touch your heart in a special way. Wishing you much happiness today and throughout the coming New Year.
As the year is coming to the end we want to thank you all for being with us, praying and supporting us. Without you it would not be possible to reach as many needy people as we did. Glory goes to God. There is always a joy to see happy smiling faces knowing that God really cares. Thank you once again for your love, care and contribution.
The children  in Kenya are on holidays, they will be going back to schools after new year. We did not start building the classrooms yet as we planned but we still trust God for the miracles way of providing the funds. Keep that in prayers please.
Lately we had a privilege of hosting our dear friend Magda, who came for a short visit to Kenya. And we really had a wonderful time together spending much time praying and playing with the children. Both Magda and the kids were able to learn new things from one another. Magda picked some few words in their local language and the children learnt few new songs.

During her stay we also visited one of the locals churches. People were so pleased to receive a new visitor, their faces were shining with smiles. It was nice feeling to see a warm welcome from those people.

Back to Christmas, We are planing to do a Christmas party for the children just before Christmas comes..There is around 100 kids whom we are looking forward to meet next week. We are praying for provisions so we would be able to buy food for the feast. The kids usually do not take much of meat during the year, some of them also struggle to get a piece even during a Christmas time. That's why we desire to make a meal made of meat ( called pillao in their language). Please stand with us and feel free to contribute anything for the party. Let us remember the poor during this special season and invite them and we will be blessed because they are not able to pay us back. God will repay us back...”Luke 14;13
Have wonderful Christmas and Happy New year.
From Light of the World Foundation

Monday, 26 October 2015

Thankful for donors

We thank God for you dear friends for being with us, standing with us in a prayer and supporting, we know that we serve mighty God. Let his name be glorify now and forever more.
We constantly receive boxes of gifts; scholastic materials, clothes, shoes, sweets and many others. These gifts make children to keep smiling and be happy. Lately we got so many of them that we shared some of the things with other children from around and far. Some of these kids received gifts for the first time in their lives. Can you imagine how happy the kids were? May glory and honor go to the Most High God. One of the boy was so happy when we brought him a kerosene lamp-where he stays there is no power and when he comes back from school it is late so it is hard for him to read and study.

We take each day at a time, rejoicing with small things and trusting God for bigger things to come.
We still trust God for the borehole and classes. We were able to draw a plan for the school, some drawings of; four classrooms, toilets and site plan. 

Our goal is full primary school. We praise God for having provided us with a land of 4.5 acres, which can accommodate the school and even volunteer/staff housing. Though we can not see them yet being put in place there is something deep in us saying that these things will come to pass. When we wait for a bus or a train to come though we don't see it yet coming we keep waiting and believing that finally it will show up. It is similar with our dreams and desires, at the right time it will happen. God knows when it will take place. Friends we need you to stand with us in prayer. By end of this year we would love to put up some classes and toilets for the kids. Cost of building one class goes around 7000 till 8000$. We need God to intervene and provide in a miraculous way. Our account for foundation is on and you are welcome to support us any time.
Light of the World International Foundation
Account number: 2034131115
Bank code: 03
Branch number: 016
Branch name: NKRUMAH RD
Bank swift code: BARCKENX
Bank name: Barclays, Mombasa, Kenya

We appreciate you so much for being part of us.

Let Almighty God be our gold, and let Him be silver, piled high for us, Then we will always trust in God and find that he is the source of our joy. When we pray, he will answer us(...) We will succeed in all we do and light will shine on our path” Job 22; 25-28

Blessings to all of you.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Village life

Spending few days without power, with mixture of heavy rain and sun coming out it can be fun for some but not really for those living that way every single day, always thinking of how to survive the day. Grateful for small thing at the end of the day. It can be nothing for some of us but for these people it can be a big deal-a cup of warm porridge (polish kisiel) brings smile on little                                                       faces.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Back to school

Greetings  our brethren. We do hope all of you are doing fine after summer holidays. We also are doing well. Glory be to God
Our children started new semester at the beginning of this month. All seemed to be happy returning back to school. However, most of the government schools in Kenya are closed now for almost a whole month due to teachers strike. Thousands of kids are sited at homes waiting for their schools to be open again. Parents and guardians in Kwademu keep asking for some space for their children to be able to study from Light of the World Academy. Unfortunately as much as we would love to receive new kids we can not right now. At the moment Light of the World Academy counts more than 70 kids. All of them are squeezed in the shelter we put up at the beginning of this year. We do trust God for permanent classes which will allow to take more kids under our care. Please pray with us, we really wish to put up at least 3 classes by end of this year. It is much when we look at the whole costs and projects but believing with God's help, your prayers and support we can make the impossible to be possible. 

We would love to give God glory for allowing us to cement the floor in the shelter. We never planned to do it but because of lot's of insects (jiggers) in the dust, we had to take that step and go ahead with it. Big thanks to those who supported us in this, may God bless you abundantly  and your entire family for your love and support.

We also thank you "Fotostopem przez Swiat" who sent new parcels with many new things for the children.  All it reached kids in Kwademu and again it gave much joy to every single one. May God continue to reward your work, your time you give for the needy. 

We had also privilege to host our dear friend Wiola together with her friend Vera.  We wish they would spent more time with us but still these few days we had together it was blast for us. You ladies brought some light and blessings for us as a family and the ministry. We trust that "these leaves you were talking about gonna change into money" which are very much needed for the children and project. 
 "This is impossible for human beings, but not for God, everything is possible for God" Mark 10;27

Thank you once again for standing with us, being a help and friend to us. 
Finally, we managed to open the bank account for the ministry. After waiting 5 months for the account to be active and almost giving up on it, God helped us and there we are:
Light of the World International Foundation
Account number: 2034131115
Bank code: 03
Branch number: 016
Branch name: NKRUMAH RD
Bank swift code: BARCKENX
Bank name: Barclays, Mombasa, Kenya

You are very much welcome to support us and the ministry, the account is active. 
Blessings from Kalumes

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Holiday time

On the 17th August 2015 we organized a tree day holiday sports camp that attracted about 50 children under 16years.The children were happy to be part of our camp. We did many activities with them, playing with the ball, skipping rope, making puzzles, playing domino's, drawings, paintings, modeling and many others. Most of the kids were using the paint for the first time in their lives but they did very well. We also had much fun during a competition run. All in all I can say it was great  time spent with the children.
 On the behalf of the parents and guardians thank you so much for your support and prayers.Please continue to pray for God's favor and provision.Blessings

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Goodness of God

We thank God for you every time we think of you and every time we pray for you all, we pray with joy because of the way you have helped us in the work we carry for Jesus Christ... You are always in our hearts.” Philippians 1;3-7

Thank you so much for standing with us, praying for us, encouraging us and supporting us. May God be the one who will pay you back.
Because of your love and your support we managed to closed the shelter completely. This will protect children before getting wet when it rains. Also we were able to get chalk boards, benches and tables. Praise God for his provisions and of course for you our friends who made it possible. 

Thank you for sending parcels with gifts and any other scholastic materials. It gives lot's of joy to each and everyone. Kids are happy because they know there are people who care for them, even though some of you never met them, they love you so much. Most important they know God did not forsaken them, because He gave people like you to love them and support them. The children are always eager to see what is inside the box. Right now the kids are on holidays, they will be back to school beginning of September. Though it is holiday time children are not much happy, they love school and wish the school be run all the time. On 20th and 21st of this month we are planing to have some fun days, play games and have fun. Together with the children we are looking forward into this.
puzzles time :)
eating chocolate cornflakes
with some scholastic materials and toys
parcel from Głogow
kids are enjoying coloring books
with new t shirts from Swiece

Finally the report for the borehole is out. First when we saw it we could not believe, the water is more deeper we even expected and obvious the cost of putting well is much more higher than we thought. It can be discouraging, instead of 50 meters deep there is need of digging almost 200 meter and cost for it is not 10.000$ but 24.000$. First thoughts which came up -no way, that not possible, where will these money come from? Most of you probably think the same way. And it is true, for me and you it looks like is going to be impossible. But we have chosen  to look  more higher , for there is One above all this and for Him there is nothing impossible. Friends let us stick on God “For God things are possible”;. Instead of looking at the circumstances let us look at the word of God which says “do not get tired of doing what is good. Do not get discouraged and give up, for        "WE WILL REAP A HARVEST OF BLESSINGS AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME” Galatians 6;9.
Supernaturally God always prepare the way, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What He did yesterday, He can also do today and what He does today, He will be able to do tomorrow. In other words: God is a God of miracles and what He did for others, He want to do for us too. We all know there is money we receive for the work and it is called wages. But apart from that, there are any other for example miracle money. And like GOD was able to bring miracle money to Peter (...”go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth you will find a piece of money: take that and give it to them for Me and you” Matthew 17;27) He is able to provide for the borehole. It is easy to get discouraged and give up, all is our choice: will you be the one to give up or join us and believe that God has his own ways and He is able to provide. 
Also we as a family would love to ask you dear friends for a prayer. We are praying for 20 people who would be able to  commit themselves and support us on monthly basics however much they would like to support us with. It can be 10$, 20$ or any other amount God will speak to them. If God speak to any of you, please find  Our bank details:
for those who are in UK 
Miroslawa Kalume
HSBC sort code 40-20-54 account number: 30349453
and for those who are in Poland,
Kosciol Zielonoswiatkowy w Swieciu
Bank Millennium S.A.
58 1160 2202 0000 0000 3056 7273 (please write a note for Mirka Henry Kalume, Kenya) 
Thank you once again.

With blessings to everyone
Mirka and Henry

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Back from Poland

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

We trust God that he has been watching over you since we left Poland. We are also fine here. The weather has changed, most of the days are wet. It is good for a change as people need rain for their crops to grow.
Last week as were writing ,we visited kids in Kwademu. We went together with our visitor, Sławek. Children were happy welcoming us with a songs. They appreciated the gifts we brought to them. Surprisingly they were more kids we even expected, the number has increased from 60 up to 70. Right now we lack benches, tables and blackboards for them . Trusting for at least 2 more tables, 8 benches and 3 blackboards. Cost of 2 tables 90US$, 8benches 70US$ and 3 blackboards 60US$.
Anybody would like to contribute into that you are very welcome. Please let us know.
Thanks to those who supported us during our stay in Poland. We managed to put up plain sheets walls for the shelter. It will help to protect the kids from the wind and rain. However it is not yet finished, we need more plain sheets and wire mesh which cost around 120US$.
Thank you to those who gave towards the borehole. We are still in the process of making geologist 's report. We will inform you when the report will be ready,
Please keep us in your prayers.
God bless you all

Monday, 22 June 2015


We would like to thank people from Swiecie who organized our flights to Poland. It was such a blessing to come and visit friends and family after a long time. Last time we were in Poland over 3 years ago. Once again, thanks so much for this. We do pray that God will bless you in everything you do.
We had a fabulous time visiting schools and churches  sharing about the work in Kenya and preaching the word of God. We do believe that God touched some of people's  hearts who will be able to stand with us and support the projects of Light of the World Foundation. Thank you so much everyone for inviting us to your places and taking good care of 3 of us. Big thanks to Fotostopem przez Swiat who organized our time in Głogow. Also we would like to thank to Poland helps children in Kenya for all you have done for us and children of Kwademu. I can guaranty their happiness when we will take the gifts there. The list of thanking is big,  friends in Scotland who welcomed me and Hannah and your support- thank you so much, church in Edinburgh -thank you for opening your doors, Gimnazjum in Budzyn- thank you for invatation, schools in Krakow, Polkowice, Głogów -thank you for your hospitality and warm welcoming us. If there is someone whom we miss to see sorry about that but our time was limited. Let's hope for the next time. Everything is possible to our creator.
We reached home safety, there was not much disturbance during our flight. Hannah was fine and managed to have 2 naps on the plane.Now we are back in the field mission. The kids in the village are looking forward to see us and we are happy to go there this week.
Thanks again for everything and we would like to humbly asking you please keep us in your prayers. Wishing you a very lovely week.
Mirka and Henry