Thanking God for his faithfulness and
protection.We reached Kenya well. The journey was very long, it took
us over 18hours by the time we arrived to Nairobi Hannah Grace did so
well. Most of the time sleeping on her baby chair. Henry's family
welcomed us very nicely. They are very happy that we visited them.
Also very happy for baby Hannah. Everyone want to carry her. It is
nice, it gives me some time to relax. The important thing, we
managed to apply for Hannah's passports.It was hectic to move with
her from office to office but finally we submitted our applications.Now
we have 3 weeks of waiting for the passports to be ready. I pray
there will be no delay and as they said by 1st of August we shall
have passports for our Hannah. It will be helpful because we apply
for East African Passport too,which allow us to move with her
within East African countries without visas problems. Please join us
in prayer in this area, so we leave Kenya on time and go back to
Thank you in advance ,
we bless you all in Jesus name.