Saturday, 25 May 2013

Hannah Grace is with us

The time pass through and our little daughter,Hannah Grace is with us.She was born on 18th of May (week earlier according to the due day).
We are so happy to have her with us on this side.The whole process took time. I was admitted in the hospital on Thursday when the water broke. With God's and Doctor's help I was able to deliver naturally. Praise God for that. God did a miracle.The last two ultrasounds showed that the cord had been around the baby's neck. The Doctor was a bit concern about that, but what is impossible with God?- Mark 10;27. Also earlier in Mark 5;36 he says ”Do not be afraid only believe. Very true, believe Mirka and all be well. When the baby was born, we found out there was no cord around the neck anymore and our little princess was fine. God can really turn the situation the way he want ,we have to trust him and that's all. Now our daughter is already 1week old and it is such pleasure watching her smiling when asleep, taking care of her. She is such joy to us. We thank you for your prayers and and also support we received from you. We appreciate all and pray that God will reward you everything you did for us.
Stay blessed friend

Mirka & Henry & Hannah