Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Team's work

The group was a mixture of different kind of people- older, youngest with different kind of personalities. But in all it was a good team, people were co-operative and that was most important thing. We worked usually in a small groups. The program was busy and it was hard to find some time for rest. From early morning till evening we were in a ministry.
In the team three people did not speak English so one of my rules was translating to those who needed it.
Every Sunday we were in different churches but during the week we were visiting  different schools and children‘s homes.
The bible says:
“Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as them” Mark 10;14
Very often the kids are forgotten, people concentrate on different things but not on the child. What the child can do? - we do wonder. But we are forgetting that those kids they will not be kids forever. In these  children is a future.  Do not ignore them. They need your attention and your love.

We really enjoyed to spend most of the time with the kids. We all had fan when we played with them. The favourite game was a race between different groups of kids.
Children also liked drawings, I noticed when we had art that some of the kids are very talented. And if they would be taken care of  some of them might become a great Artist in the future.
One of the school in Poland sent the money for those kids

Ewa is drawing with the children

with Kristina and Benjamin 

I want to thank you whole team who came on February- you guys did a great job here. No matter how long you were for, I am sure those whom you visited will be remembering the day for such a long. Thank you for your effort and contribution. 
God bless you all

The Team arrives 2end of February

It has been a long day, some how tiring and hectic.

People were delaying, some of them  miss the flights, mostly because of the  bad weather in Poland. Some people came day after, this way we were behind with one day.
With those who came on the 2end of February we stop over in Father’s House to rest a bit and to wait for the remaining team to come and join us. The people were tired, they spent over 35 h in the journey.

Next day we went to the airport to pick the rest, when we had all the people we drew to west Uganda. It was also some how tiring, again 6 hours drive till we reached the place. Very late night we arrived in Keynjojo. Pastor David and his wife were already waiting for us with a warm meal. After eating everyone went to sleep.
Hopefully Tomorrow we will be a bit fresh and steady.
The team